You believe that keeping your feline indoors protects your cat against harm. For the most part, this is true — you do protect your cat from getting lost, eating common outdoor toxins (such as antifreeze), or getting hit by a car.
However, there are indoor dangers you should be aware of that can put your cat in harm's way — after all, felines are very crafty and curious creatures. Here are common indoor dangers to avoid with your inside cat.
Floor Cleaners
Never allow your cat to walk on a freshly-washed floor. The cleaning solutions you use can burn your cat's tongue or even poison your feline when your cat cleans their paws after getting them wet.
Signs of toxicity in your cat include:
- Drooling
- Panting/nervousness/unusual agitation
- Excessive tiredness
- Vomiting/diarrhea
- Extreme thirst
- Lack of appetite
If you believe your cat has been poisoned by a house-cleaning solution, take your cat to the vet right away.
Reclining Furniture
Cats love to hide, and they may choose the spot underneath a reclined chair or couch to curl up for a nap. When the furniture is put back into its original position, your cat can accidentally get squashed. Rising recliner chairs (such as medical chairs) pose the same risk to cats and other small animals.
Rocking chairs also pose a danger to cats. As the rocking chair moves, cats can get their paws or tails stuck underneath the furniture, which can lead to serious injury.
Always check underneath a recliner before putting the furniture back in its original position. If your cat does get harmed under a recliner, check for injuries immediately, and take your feline to the vet for an examination.
Cats can climb into washing machines and dryers and get stuck inside the machines. Accidental cat deaths happen when a machine is turned on without the cat's owner knowing the feline is inside. Always check your washing machine and dryer before turning the unit on to make sure a curious cat is not inside.
Cats love to climb and are adept at keeping their balance. However, leaving items around the house that allow your cat to get on top of refrigerators, cupboards, and other high spaces can be dangerous if your cat were to fall.
Lack of Immunizations
Just because you keep your cat indoors doesn't mean you shouldn't vaccinate your feline. If another cat were to enter your home who carries a disease, your cat could become ill. If you bring a stray cat into your home or have both indoor and outdoor cats, your feline's risk of contracting ticks and other diseases increases.
Always keep your cat vaccinated, even if they have never been outdoors. Your veterinarian will recommend certain vaccines based on where you live and the age of your feline.
Human Food
Many human foods are unsafe for all cats, but indoor cats can be more at risk for eating foods they shouldn't. This is because they have constant access to cupboards, pantries, and plates of food that humans leave behind. Never give your cat the following:
- Chocolate
- Milk
- Tuna fish
- Raw meat
- Grapes
Your vet will recommend the best diet for your cat — one that is high in fiber and low in calories — to help manage your indoor feline's weight.
Your indoor cat can live a long and healthy life if you make your home as cat-proof as possible. All concerns about your feline's health should be given to your cat's vet. See us at Escalon Small Animal Clinic for all your small animals' needs — call us today to make an appointment.